Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nearing 10 months...

Sadie will be exactly 10 months old on Sunday!

These are some pictures from our week at home with Daddy.
It was divine!

She sure does love finger foods!
I wish I had have started them sooner with her. There hasn't been a single thing that she has tried that she hasn't liked. Just not a fan of baby food, so she eats everything we do, which makes things so easy! Now, if I could just get rid of all the baby food in the pantry...

So sleepy! She's almost outgrown her baby carseat...

Playing airplanes with her brothers

This is the first time she pulled herself up to stand. I was in the other room and Tim yelled for me to get the camera. I'm so glad I didn't miss it!

She was so proud of herself!

That picture reminded me of this one of Fount...
June 19, 2010

Lovin on Daddy

I didn't want to forget this sweet baby face of hers...

Growing up

What a lovely girl she is.

The boys were watching a show...they didn't want to smile :)
Poor second child...I think it's time to throw those socks away...

Everyone's changing, aren't they?

1 comment:

Jen Luminati said...

Love, love the pictures!! They sure do grow fast.