Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pretty in pink

Our smiley girl turned 11 weeks old on Tuesday and she's as happy as ever!

Loves her brothers and loves to be talked to and read to. She coos away! It's precious!

Her afternoon nap is finally starting to coincide with Fount's. I couldn't be more thankful! Holden's still napless, so I put him to work while they sleep :) He's made muffins two days in a row, dusted, all while playing airplanes. He's got multitasking down to an art! 

Isn't it great that summer is here? This week has been incredibly perfect outside.
Don't you love our birdhouse? Tim made it. I think it's so cute!

Holden made this at church last Sunday and I forgot to post it. The ears say, "I can learn to listen to God." He was really proud of them.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Enjoyed getting caught up on your blog! All three of your kiddos are getting so big! And Sadie's little dress is precious!