Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The weekend

On Saturday, Tim took Holden to an airshow at Andrews AFB.

New and old Thunderbirds
I wish I could've gone, so that I could've seen Holden's face!

This is what Holden does most days-
It was the most perfect Saturday for him! Not to mention he got to have special Daddy time!

While Fount was napping on Saturday, I ended up painting our dining room chairs candy apple red. Though I need to definitely give them another touch-up coat, I'm really loving them. Holden does too. As soon as he walked in the door, from the air show, on Saturday, he said, "Thank you, Mom!" They're happy chairs now. I'll post pictures soon! Did I mention I'm still suffering from "spray paint arm?" I'm so sore from holding that button down!
Fount had just woke up from his nap...he wasn't sure about me taking his picture.

It was the most beautiful day outside. Our roses bushes are incredible!

I have to be quick with the camera, when it comes to catching Holden smiling. As soon as I point it at him, he usually makes a distorted face.

We took advantage of the perfect day and cooked out. These Ruses love our steaks!

(I'm having trouble putting some pictures on here. Not sure what's happening...I'll try again later.)

Yesterday, I took Fount to the pediatrician.
He weighed 26.2 lbs and he's a solid little guy. Built just like a football player and he's actually got a pretty good arm on him.
We've known since he was a baby that he had several allergies. Gluten-wheat-oats-whey...Even though he's allergic to a lot, there are still many things he can eat- all the healthy things, which is great. The only problem is that the rest of his family doesn't share the same allergies, so we have foods in the house that can potentially cause an allergic reaction for him. Most of the time, we are able to avoid a reaction by simply keeping a close eye on him and being careful not to cross-contaminate, but Fount has quick hands and sometimes it's hard to stop him once he's got it in hand. The other day he ate a tiny chocolate chip on the floor that had fallen out of one of Holden's granola bars. Just eating that tiny piece caused him to get terrible, welps and he started to get itchy and swell. That's a pretty common reaction for him- welps, bumps, itching, vomitting, lots of crying, but he's never swelled before. I ended up giving him Benadryl, which usually takes care of it. Thank goodness it worked and he showed no signs of breathing problems. Just to be on the safe side, we wanted to request an epi-pen for him, in case he ever had a much more severe reaction. After speaking with the doctor, yesterday, she ended up giving us three sets- one for me, one for Tim, and the other for church. Having an epi-pen for him is a huge relief. The doctor went ahead and tested him for the most common allergies by a blood test in the office. He was tough. He didn't cry when they stuck him. The nurse was very gentle, but as soon as he saw his blood, he started crying. His veins are like mine and it took them a while to get any blood out of him. We should find out the results this week. We'll see an actual allergist when he turns two. Hopefully these allergies won't be life-long.

He stopped crying as soon as I mentioned we were going to go get him a frozen strawberry lemonade- a favorite of his!

(I tried uploading this precious picture of Fount to the blog, but I kept getting an error...)

1 comment:

Jen Luminati said...

Thanks so much for sharing fun bits and news about your lives. Makes us feel closer even though we're so far! It made me so happy to think about all of you celebrating Zach's bday on Monday together at playgroup--definitely wish we could have shared in the fun. Thanks for the blog!