Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I have quite a few pictures to post so it's a little random!...

Today just happens to be Sadie's 16 week birthday, AND Fount's 21 month birthday!

Posing with the little darling before playgroup last week.

She always holds her hands like this. Holden thinks she's praying :)

On our way to her second Mom's Night Out! She was such a good little girl! She even took a bottle!

Here's the happy birthday girl this morning.

All ready for church.
This was Sadie's first time to wear shoes. Mary Janes, of course!

Does it get any better than this?
The kids fell asleep just before we arrived home from church on Sunday. Tim and I were dreading putting the van in park...because you know the quietness is about to come to an end. Little did we know that all three of them were going to stay asleep! Ahh bliss! Our house was so quiet...it was weird.
Thank you, God!
(I forgot to mention...all three of them took at nap at the same time yesterday too. It was freaking amazing!)

Here's Fount, apron and all, helping Tim make his famous vegetarian chili this weekend.

He even did a little canning! It's so good...

If you told me today was Friday, I would totally believe you.
After having such nice weather, we're back to the yucky heat again and if it were just the boys and I, we could get out a lot more, but with Sadie, since she's still so tiny, we can't keep her out in the heat for long. Plus, she gets fussy (a lot like her mama) when she gets too hot.

Here we are last week...


Jen Luminati said...

Oh my goodness, the picture of the three sleeping children is ADORABLE. I'm so glad you documented the moment as I"m sure it doesn't happen that often! They are all such darlings.

Jen Luminati said...

Oh my goodness, the picture of the three sleeping children is ADORABLE. I'm so glad you documented the moment as I"m sure it doesn't happen that often! They are all such darlings.

Debbie said...

Meagan, you have such a beautiful family. Thank you so much for keeping us posted as they grow and make their amazing discoveries and comments. I am very proud of you and happy for you and Tim. And in closing may I say... I can't wait to get my hands on Sadie! :) Love you Lots