Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good times

One of my close friends, Aimee, gave me the book My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts, by Susan Hunt.
I have to say that it's sat on my bookshelf for quite some time now, but I got it out last week and decided that I needed to put it to use, so last week we began our journey, so to say.
"A soft answer turns away wrath." Proverbs 15:1
I'm really excited about memorizing verses alongside the kids.

This is Fount showing me that he has his listening ears on.

We went to Heritage Farm Museum this past week with two of my sweet friends and their children. The boys had a blast! We will definitely be going back.

There were all kinds of things to keep them entertained!

 a general store...

a kitchen...

they could milk a pretend dress-up...

ride a race horse... fun!

I'm so glad it's the weekend!


Jen Luminati said...

Such sweet pictures! The farm looks great and the book--what an awesome idea. Tell Fount his listening ears look great. :) Is that Sophie holding Sadie?

Meagan Ruse said...

It's actually Anna! Doesn't she look all grown up?