Monday, June 6, 2011

Is it a weekday already?

I can't believe it's already Monday! The weekend really seemed to fly by. We had friends over for dinner on Saturday, who are expecting their first baby on labor day and they're having a boy! I truely love connecting with parents our age. We're on the younger side of parenthood, although we have three kids, 3 and under, but we often feel like the minority here in the NE. People always say the same thing to us, "Boy, you have your hands full." And my response is always the same- a denied eye roll, and a polite, "Yes, we're busy." Instead of a "No crap."

But doesn't this face look she brings a happy kind of busy? :)

Last night, Sadie went on her very first girls night out! We dined at Big Bowl- mmmmm! I was so proud of her. She was just perfect, and even took a bottle! Unfortunately, I didn't have a full bottle for her, so I had to leave the dinner a little early to feed her in the van.

It's always so nice to catch up with my sweet friends. We've all been friends, since we were pregnant with our first babies. We meet every week, but it's usually loud and chaotic, so we always look foward to these once a month whenever we can dinner outings!

Here's Melissa and Sadie. I think she's a baby whisperer...

And here she is with Aimee

We ate at Big Bowl for our first Mom's Night Out- three and a half years ago. It was fun to go back and sit at the same table and in the same seats!

Well, it's off to play airplanes and enjoy this beautiful day!


Jen Luminati said...

Ahhh, memories! Was Liz there? If not, the group is certainly smaller, but I definitely remember that first MNO. Miss you guys--thanks for posting this just for me. :)

Amber Ruth said...

oh that dress she has on!! so pretty!! i love that you take her pictures weekly, such a great idea! =)

Meagan Ruse said...

It was Liz, Aimee, Melissa, Sadie, and I. We missed you too! I sure enjoy your blog updates, Jen!

Thanks, Amber! I love dressing her up for no reason at all :)